
Evan woke up in a strange place. He has never been there and he has no idea where to go. Things changes when he fall asleep though... the place comes to his mind and it seems no more a mistery, he knows exactly where to go and how reach every zone of the building. But Evan can't sleep for ever because even the most beautiful dream could turn into a horrible nightmare.


Evan si è svegliato in uno strano posto. Non è mai stato qui e non ha idea di dove andare. Le cose cambiano quando Evan dorme però... il posto gli torna ad essere familiare e non sembra più un mistero, sa perfettamente dove andare e come muoversi per raggiungere qualsiasi zona della struttura. Ma Evan non può dormire per sempre perché persino il più bello dei sogni può trasformarsi in un orribile incubo


Use LEFT&RIGHT arrows to move

Use UP arrow to jump and DOWN arrow to fall through

Use E key to interact with world

-Who am I ?-

I'm Marco an italian student at his first real attempt to develop a game.  This game is created on construct 2 and its idea was born in a random way while i was slowly falling asleep. Every comment and advice is really appreciated. 

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